How I Got Hired

10. Jonathan Tesser: On dream jobs and dream bosses

Sonal Bahl

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Jonathan Tesser holds a job many dream of.  He gets to market and promote New York City and its five boroughs to the rest of the world, helping it gain more tourists, business investments and spread its dynamic image globally. 

Learn in this podcast how he landed this dream job as VP Research and Insights at NYC & Co. and his amazing career journey that spans working at some of the world's most admired companies including Heineken, ABC Television, Viacom and New York Magazine. 

In 40 minutes, we travel across many subjects including careers, social media, going back to work for good bosses and Jonathan's passion for sharing knowledge to help smart yet confused young professionals advance their careers. 

So join us in this journey, as we travel everywhere and land in the world's favourite city, the Big Apple: New York. 

Jon's LinkedIn profile:
Jon's website:
Jon's blog on Medium:
Jon on Sonal's Live show #SuperChargeFridays:

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